‘ Are You God’s Wife? ’
by H. P Lovecraft
It was a very cold day in New York City and the little boy stood without shoes on the grate in the side walk that released the steam from the building. The nice lady who came by stopped and asked him where his shoes were and he told her his daddy had been sick and unable to work but as soon as he got well he was going to get him a pair.
She took him by the arm and led him to the shoe department in the large department store by which they stood. She told the clerk to get him a couple of pair of warm socks, and a nice pair of shoes with some growing room.
The clerk fixed him up and he jumped up and down, and then went running out the door of the store. She smiled and thought to herself that maybe a thank you was too much for a small boy.
But before she had paid for the shoes he came charging back into the store and said, “They run really good, thank you, thank you.” Then looking into her eyes he said, “Are you God’s wife?” She turned to the clerk to get her receipt so that the boy would not see her tears and said, “No son, I am just one of His children.” He hugged her leg and said, “I knew that you were kin to Him.” Our world really needs a lot more of God’s children to behave like kin.